Pozivam vas na drugu proljetnu setnju u Morningside Park, Scarborough. Sastanak je 12. travnja, 2015. u 10:30 AM na parkiralistu u Morningside parku. Parkiraliste se nalazi na zapadnoj strani Morningside Ave. 2 km juzno od HWY #401 (0.7 km juzno od Ellesmere Rd.) Pristup iz Toronta je takoder moguc koriscenjem Kingston Rd. Lawrence Av., Ellesmere Rd.
Park je smjesten uz obalu Highland Creeka, staze uz rijeku su blagog nagiba, a setnja ce trajati oko dva sata. Nadajmo se suncanom vremenu i vec toliko ocekivanim zelenim izdancima i pokojem cvijeticu. Cvrste cipele i slojevita odjeca kao i obicno. Takoder ponesite vodu i snacks.
Dear AMCA Hikers,
Join us for the second hike of this spring in the Morningside Park, Scarborough. Meeting is on April 12, 2015 at 10:30 AM in the parking lot located on the west side of the Morningside Ave. approx. 2 km south of HWY #401 (0.7 km south of Ellesmere Rd.). Access from Toronto can also be obtained by using Kingston Rd., Lawrence Av., Ellesmere Rd. and other eastbound roads.
The park occupies a deep valley straddling the Highland Creek which runs into Lake Ontario. The hike will last about two hours along the trails following the creek. Dress appropriately and bring water and snacks.
See you in the park.
Contact: Vida Grosl
Telephone: 416 921 0491, cell phone on a day of the hike only: 647 518 7573, email vgrosl@aol.com.