AMCA Hike #3/2015, Rouge Valley, May 03/2015, 10:00 AM
Dragi izletnici,
Najgora zima je prosla, hvala Bogu. Vrijeme je doci u dodir s lijepotom prirode. U nedjelju 3 svibnja, u 10 sati, sastat ce mo se u lijepoj Rouge Valley, na proljetnom hodanju.Duljina staze kao i hodanja biti ce prilagodjena izletnicima. Ulazak u Rouge je na sjevernoj strani Kingston, (highway 2) istocno od Port Union sa autoputa 401. Glen Rouge camp ground. GPS 43 80489, 79 1372092. Molim izletnike da se lagano obuku s dobrim cipelama i da ponesu vode, jer ce biti (konacno) lijep i topao dan. U ocekivanju Vas svih Pepica Klostranec tel 416-296-1408
Hike organizer: Vida Grosl
cell: (416) 921-0491 [cell on the day of hike only (416) 697-5922 ] email: vgrosl@aol.com
AMCA Hike #2/2015, Morningside Park, April 12/2015,10:30 AM
Dragi AMCA izletnici, Pozivam vas na drugu proljetnu setnju u Morningside Park, Scarborough. Sastanak je u 10:30 AM na parkiralistu u Morningside parku. Parkiraliste se nalazi na zapadnoj strani Morningside Ave. 2 km juzno od HWY #401 (0.7 km juzno od Ellesmere Rd.) Pristup iz Toronta je takoder moguc koriscenjem Kingston Rd. Lawrence Av., Ellesmere Rd. Park je smjesten uz obalu Highland Creeka, staze uz rijeku su blagog nagiba, a setnja ce trajati oko dva sata. Nadajmo se suncanom vremenu i vec toliko ocekivanim zelenim izdancima i pokojem cvijeticu. Cvrste cipele i slojevita odjeca kao i obicno. Takoder ponesite vodu i snacks. Dear AMCA Hikers, Join us for the second hike of this spring in the Morningside Park, Scarborough. Meeting is at 10:30 AM in the parking lot located on the west side of the Morningside Ave. approx. 2 km south of HWY #401 (0.7 km south of Ellesmere Rd.). Access from Toronto can also be obtained by using Kingston Rd., Lawrence Av., Ellesmere Rd. and other eastbound roads. The park occupies a deep valley straddling the Highland Creek which runs into Lake Ontario. The hike will last about two hours along the trails following the creek. Dress appropriately and bring water and snacks. See you in the park. Contact: Vida Grosl Telephone: 416 921 0491, cell phone on a day of the hike only: 647 518 7573, email vgrosl@aol.com.
Hike #1, March 22/2015,10:30 AM – Humber River, James Gardens
Dragi AMCA izletnici, Pozivam vas na prvu ovogodisnju setnju uz Humber River. Sastanak je u 10:30 AM na parkiralistu u James Gardens parku. Park je smjesten na zapadnoj strani Humber River, na kraju Edenbridge Dr. (u blizini Scarlett Rd., juzno od Eglinton Av. West, Etobicoke, M9A 4J5). Hodanje pocinjemo tamo, gdje smo prosle jeseni zavrsili zadnju setnju. Setnja ce biti laganog tempa, stazom blagog terena uz rijeku Humber u smjeru sjever i trajati oko dva sata. Iako ne ocekujemo zelenilo i bujnu floru, sigurno cemo cuti cvrkut ptica. Nadajmo se lijepom i suncanom vremenu. Preporucujem cvrste cipele, slojevitu odjecu i vjetrovku. Dovedite podmladak i ponesite vodu i snacks. Dear AMCA Hikers, Join us for the first hike this year along the Humber River. Meeting is at 10:30 AM on parking lot at the James Gardens located on the west side of the Humber River (H.R.), at the end of Edenbridge Dr. (in the vicinity of Scarlett Rd. approx.1 km south of Eglinton Av. West, Etobicoke M9A 4J5). The hike will last about two hours, at the slow pace and will follow the trails northbound along the west banks of H.R. The trees will likely be leafless, but we can expect twitting birds and let’s hope for a warm and sunny day. Dress appropriately. Bring your kids and do not forget water and light snacks. See you on the trails! Contact: Vida Grosl, telephone 416 921 0491, cell on the day of the hike only 647 518 7573, email vgrosl@aol.com. Please see attachment.
Hike #6, Sunday, Sep 28, 2014 – Mary Lake/ Apple Orchard
Pozivam ljubitelje prirode da se pridruze laganom hodanju na Mary Lake/Apple Orchard stazama u nedjelju Sep 28. u 10:30 prije podne. Hodanje ce trajati oko dva sata, laganim tempom kroz brezuljkast i sumovit teren. Sume vec polako mijenjaju boje, a jabuke u Apple Orchard su socne i slasne. Preporucam ‘hiking boots’ ili cvrste cipele za hodanje i primjernu odjecu. Ponesite vodu, lagani snacks. Imati cemo kratak odmor u Apple Orchard Cafe-u uz kavu ili jabucni sok. Upute za prilaz do pocetne tocke slijede na engleskom. Meeting place is a roadside parking on Keel Street, 2.7 km north of King Rd. Driving directions from Toronto: Take Hwy – 400 North, drive about 24 km from Hwy 401, take R.R. 11/ King Rd., exit 43, drive eastbound 3 km, turn left/northbound on Keel St. (pass Augustinian Monastery on the left/west side of the road), or 0.7 km north of 15th Side Rd. to roadside parking on Keel St. From Toronto you can also take any major street (Yonge St., Bathurst St., Dufferin St.), drive northbound to King Rd., turn left/westbound to Keel St., turn right on Keel St. and drive nortbound 2.7 km to the Roadside parking. For further information call Vida Grosl 416 921 0491 or vgros@aol.com.
Hike #5, Sunday, June 08, 2014 – Mary Lake/ Apple Orchard
Pozivamo vas na hodanje na Mary Lake/ Apple Orchard staze u nedjelju, June 8 u 10:30 am. Hodanje ce trajati oko dva sata, laganim tempom kroz brezuljkast i sumovit teren. Sume su konacno zazelenile, a triliumi jos uvijek u punom cvatu. Preporucamo cvrste cipele (“hiking boots” ili “walking shoes”), i primjernu odjecu (layered), kapa-silterica. Ponesite vodu, lagani snack, a mozda zatreba “moskito spray”. Imati cemo kratki odmor uz kavu ili “apple cider” u Apple Orchard Cafe-u. Upute za prilaz do pocetne tocke slijedi na engleskom. Meeting place is a roadside parking on Keel St., 2.7 km north of King Rd. (0.7km north of 15 th side Rd.). Driving directions from Toronto: Take HWY – 400 N, drive for about 24 km from HWY – 401, take R.R. 11/ King Rd., exit 43, drive eastbound 3 km, turn left (northbound) on Keel St., drive 2.7 km (pass Augustinian Monastery on the left/west side of the road), or 0.7 km north of 15th Side Rd. to Roadside parking on Keel St. From Toronto you can also take any major Street (Young St. Bathurst St., Dufferin St.), drive northbound to King, Rd., turn left (westbound) till you reach Keel St. and then drive 2.7 km to the Roadside parking. -
Hike #4, Sunday, May 06, 2012 – Mary Lake/Pine Orchard
Sunday May 6, 10 am, Hike #4, Mary Lake/Pine Orchard, loop hike, slow to moderate pace in a hilly and forested terrain. The hike will take approx. two hours or more depending on a duration of a break at the Cafe. We will take a break at a Pine Orchard Cafe, where light lunch, apple cider and soft drinks can be ordered. Bring water and snacks and wear appropriate foot wear. Meet at the roadside parking on Keele Street, 2.7 km north of King Road (0.7 km north of 15th Side road). Detailed directions: You may take Keele St. at any point from High Park up and keep going northbound, or: Take Hwy 400 northbound, take exit 43 – King Rd eastbound, pass Jane St., Charles St. and John St., turn left (northbound) on Keele St., pass 15th Sideroad for 700m to roadside parking on Keele St. -
Hike #3, Sunday, April 29, 2012 – Rouge Valley Conservation Park
Urban Hike #3, Rouge Valley Conservation Park, Sunday, April 29, 11 am. This hike will be along a trail following the beautiful Rouge Valley River wilderness area. The conservation area is proposed to become a National Park. This will be the first N.P. in North America located near a major metropolitan area accessible by public transportation. Spring blossoms and flowers are already waiting to be enjoyed. The hike will be slow to moderate and will take about two hours. Bring water and lunch and wear appropriate footwear.Meet at the Rouge River Campground parking lot located at Kingstone Rd. approx. 1 km east of Sheppard Av. East. -
Hike #2, Sunday, April 15, 2012 – Humber River
Information for the AMCA urban hike #2 Sunday, April 15, 11 am, Humber River. Meet at the Etien Brule Parkette located on the east side of Humber River, north of Bloor Street. Access by car to the parking lot is from Bloor St. via Old Mill Road. The E.B. Parkette may also be obtained by the TTC Bloor line subway, Old Mill station. The hike will take about two hours at slow to moderate pace, the distance will be decided according to the conditions. There is a possibility to drop off at various points along the river. Wear appropriate clothing and foot wear and bring snacks and water.There are many historic points along the river and interesting deciduous trees (and if we are lucky birds) to enjoy.. -
Hike #1, Sunday, March 25, 2012 – Don River
Sunday, March 25, 11 am, Don River (Wilket Creek Park), meet at parking lot #1 (located immediately to the northwest of Leslie/Eglinton junction. The hike will take about two hours at a slow to moderate pace. The distance of the route will be decided according to the hikers condition. Wear weather appropriate clothing and footwear. Bring snacks and water.