AMCA Toronto, an association of students and friends of Croatian Universities, founded in 1990, has become the centre of intellectual life of the Croatian community in Southern Ontario (Canada). It is the largest and the most vibrant association of its kind outside of Croatia.
A widely popular, thought provoking and fun way of socializing. The Club which is open to all book loving AMCA members is meeting once a month.
Initiated in year 2012 the club accomplished numerous urban hikes within the beautiful Toronto ravines and surrounding lands. The objective is to enjoy and explore natural wonders, learn about local heritage,
enjoy the company of friends and exercise in a friendly and healthy environment.
AMCA Youth was established in summer 2012 when young Croatian newcomers joined AMCA. Members of AMCA Youth enjoy the possibility of exploring Croatian and Canadian culture through academic and leisure activities. They also provide assistance and expertise in promoting and organizing these activities.
AMCA Toronto is excited to invite its members and community at large to a lecture Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Approaches and their Application in Plasma Spectrochemistry by Vassili Karanassios, a Professor of Chemistry at the University of Waterloo (Ontario, Canada) and a co-founder of a degree-program in nano-technology engineering, on Friday November 22, 2019 at 7:45 pm at The Faculty
AMCA Toronto invites its members and the community at large to the 18th Annual Gala and welcomes sponsorships for the benefit of Croatian language, culture and talents.
Dragi kolege i prijatelji, AMCA Toronto poziva clanove i goste na predavanje Branke Bezić Filipović, poznate voditeljice splitske podruznice Matice isljenika, koja je posjecujuci hrvatske iseljenicke zajednice proputovala cijeli svijet, na temu Tragom Hrvata u svijetu. Predavanje ce se odrzati u subotu 28. rujna s pocetkom u 7:30 navecer u Baka Gallery Cafe-u. Detalje o gospodji Bezić Filipović,
Dragi kolege, Kao sto smo vec najavili, predstavljanje AMCA-e Toronto Hrvatskoj ce se odrzati u cetvrtak 27. lipnja u 7 sati navecer u velikoj dvorani zgrade Matice Hrvatske na Strossmayerovom trgu u Zagrebu, nakon kojeg ce biti domjenak sa zakuskom i casom vina. U privitku je najavni poster. Pozivamo sve clanove udruge i sestrinskih udruga koji se nadju tada u Zagrebu, bivse i sadasnje studente h
AMCA Toronto: Oliver Dragojević – Trace in Eternity, Friday April 12, 2019 at Baka Gallery Cafe AMCA Toronto invites its members and community at large to a multimedia cultural and music program, to celebrate the life and works of Oliver Dragojević, on Friday April 12, 2019 at 7:30 pm at Baka Gallery Cafe, 2256 Bloor Street West, Toronto. Presentations, videos, recitals and live music perfor
Dear colleagues and friends, AMCA Toronto is pleased to invite its members and community at large to a presentation of bilingual (Croatian and English) edition of The Canon of Croatian Poetry – 1450-2000 by Ivo and Vinka Šoljan. Ivo, who delivered a lecture “Why should we read classics” for AMCA Toronto in 2003, is a professor in the English Department, at Grand Valley State University, while Vin
Dear colleagues and friends, AMCA Toronto invites its members and guests to our sixth Christmas Party on Wednesday December 5, 2018 at Baka Gallery Cafe, starting at 7 pm. Let us spend a pleasant evening accompanied by friends and colleagues, with hors d’oeuvres, drinks and Christmas music. Admission for members with paid membership fee for 2018 and for students is free. Non-members $20. For res
Dear colleagues and friends, AMCA Toronto is excited to invite its members and community at large to a lecture Pelješac Bridge – the Most Important Transportation Project in Croatian History by Željko Marušić, Professor at the Faculty for Transportation and Traffic Sciences at the University of Zagreb, a leading Croatian expert and opinion maker in areas of transport and traffic safety, on F