Invitation for AMCA Toronto Scholarship Applications 2015

imagesPJZWDY2IAMCA Toronto, in accordance with its status and purpose within the Croatian community of the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), and according to its Statute, is announcing an invitation for 2015 AMCA Toronto Scholarship applications.

The purpose of an AMCA Toronto scholarship is to provide financial assistance to a student enrolled in a Canadian or Croatian university, in addition to promoting the AMCA name within the Croatian community of Toronto, its surroundings and abroad.

There will be two $1,000 scholarships awarded.

Scholarship applications are to be submitted to AMCA’s mailing address (see above) or via e-mail to AMCA’s electronic address: scholarship@amcatoronto.com in PDF format, no later than May 15th, 2015.

Each candidate must submit one (1) written application that includes the applicant’s full name, complete contact information, full address, academic details and a brief, original request for awarding the scholarship. The official Transcript of Consolidated Academic Record must be submitted with the application. A brief, original request must include an explanation of the purpose for which the scholarship will be used. It is recommended that the request be written in Croatian language and consisting of no more than 250 words.

By submitting an application, each candidate agrees to and confirms that she or he:

  • fully accepts all conditions, rules and decisions made by the AMCA Scholarship Committee which are final and binding
  • forfeits the right to dispute or complain against decisions made by the AMCA Scholarship Committee
  • is legally obligated to accept the scholarship if so awarded by signing the award Receipt
  • the scholarship recipient agrees that the sponsor may without any limitation, further compensation or notice, use his or her name, voice, image and/or likeness in any and all media worldwide, for the purpose of advertising and promoting the AMCA Toronto Scholarship
  • guaranties that the submitted application was filed by her or his own free will, that it contains correct, truthful and legally valid information written by themselves
  • guaranties that the application does not contain any vulgar, offensive, libelous or otherwise objectionable statements
  • each applicant hereby agrees to indemnify and hold AMCA and its board members harmless from and against any and all third party claims, actions or proceedings of any kind and from any and all damages, liabilities, costs and expenses to or arising out of any breach or alleged breach of any warranties, representations or agreements of applicant hereunder
  • agrees, in the event the AMCA Toronto Scholarship is awarded to her or him, to attend the annual AMCA Toronto Fundraising Gala Dinner in Toronto to accept the award and to be introduced to the membership (attendance is free of charge, date and time to be confirmed)

All submitted applications become the property of AMCA and shall not be returned to the applicant. AMCA does not assume responsibility for lost, late, misdirected or unintelligible entries.

AMCA Toronto Scholarship Committee

Invitation for AMCA Toronto Scholarship Applications 2015


AMCA Toronto, u skladu sa svojim položajem u Hrvatskoj zajednici u Torontu i okolici te u skladu sa svojim Statutom, oglašava javni natječaj za dodjelu studentske stipendije 2015. godine.

Svrha AMCA stipendije je novčana pomoć studentu kanadskog ili hrvatskog sveučilista te promidžba imena AMCA u hrvatskoj zajednici u Torontu i okolici.

Molbe se prikupljaju na adresu AMCA Toronto najkasnije do 15. svibnja 2015. godine.

Poželjno je da se molbe šalju elektroničkom poštom na scholarship@amcatoronto.com u .pdf formatu.

Kandidati za stipendiju moraju dostaviti jednu (1) pismenu zamolbu koja uključuje ime i prezime kandidata, kontakt informaciju, akademske detalje, kratak, originalan zahtjev za dodjelu stipendije te službeni prijepis ocjena.

Zahtjev mora uključivati obrazloženje u koje svrhe će se stipendija koristiti. Poželjno je da obrazloženje bude na hrvatskom jeziku i da ne prelazi 250 riječi.

Činom podnošenja zamolbe kandidat se obvezuje i potvrđuje da:

  • u potpunosti prihvaća uvjete, pravila i odluke Komisije za dodjelu stipendija AMCA-e, koje su konačne i važeće
  • u potpunosti prihvaća da se protiv uvjeta, pravila i odluke Komisije za dodjelu stipendija i UO AMCA-e ne može podnijeti žalba
  • je pravno obvezan prihvatiti stipendiju ukoliko je dobitnik iste te potpisati izjavu kojom potvrđuje njen primitak
  • odobrava upotrebu svojeg osobnog imena za promidžbene svrhe AMCA stipendijskog programa bez da zahtijeva dodatne kompenzacije
  • garantira da je svojeručno popunio zamolbu legalnim, ispravnim i istinitim podacima
  • garantira da zamolba ne sadrži vulgarne, uvredljive i drugačije neprimjerene izjave
  • pravno i legalno oslobađa AMCA-u i članove UO od svake krivične i moralne odgovornosti te od svih potraživanja na bilo kakvoj osnoviU slučaju da se hrvatski i engleski tekst razlikuju u značenju, engleski tekst je taj koji je mjerodavan.

Sve podnesene zamolbe postaju vlasništvo AMCA-e i neće biti vraćene pošiljaocu. AMCA ne preuzima odgovornost za izgubljene i kasno podnesene aplikacije.

AMCA Toronto Komisija za dodjelu stipendija

Oglas javnog natječaja za dodjelu AMCA Toronto stipendije 2015. godine